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The current study examined the developmental trajectories of depression and anxiety in late adolescent males and the impact of social support from parents, teachers, and peers on the trajectories. Participants included 507 10th grade Korean male high school students. Levels of depression and anxiety were measured using a sub-scale of the Korean version of the Youth Self Report (K-YSR) every six months for 3years; perceived social support from parents, teachers, and peers was measured once during baseline. The results of latent growth mixture modeling indicated that there are four latent trajectories of anxiety and depression: low(46.8%), moderate(33.1%), high(13.6%), and fluctuating(6.5%). The fluctuating group showed moderate levels of depression and anxiety at the baseline but showed a subclinical level of the problems by the 3rd and the 4th measurement sessions, after which the levels gradually decreased. Social support from parents and peers predicted low, moderate, and high trajectories of the internalized problems; students with lower levels of support were more likely to belong to higher risk trajectories. It was also found that the higher level of parent support in the fluctuating trajectory was the only factor that distinguished it from the high trajectory. These findings suggest that social support from both parents and peers could be useful in predicting the development of internalized problems and that parent support may be a protective factor in high-risk late adolescent males.
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