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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of intelligence and behavioral problems of ADHD Youth in Welfare Institutions and to determine the intellectual difference between Other Psychological Disorder (OPD) group and ADHD group by dividing the levels of intelligence as follows: above average and below average. The intelligence of 297 children and adolescents(boys:182. girls:115) was tested using K-WISC-III (Korean-Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition), and behavior problems were examined using K-CBCL 6-18 (Korea-Child Behavior Checklist 6-18). The sample was divided into the OPD group and the ADHD group using a T-score cut-off point of 70, the cut off score for examining ADHD using the DSM ADHD scale, and the characteristics of behavioral problems and intelligence of each group were compared. As a result, first, the institutionalized ADHD group scored significantly higher on the problem behavior scale of CBCL compared to the OPD group. Second, the samples were divided into two groups again based on intelligence level (one group with higher-than-average intelligence and one group with lower-than-average intelligence), and each group’s intelligence was compared. The results showed no significant difference between ADHD and OPD group among those with higher-than-average intelligence. However, regarding those with lower-than-average intelligence, the ADHD group scored significantly lower on Verbal Comprehension, Freedom from Distractibility Factor Index, Verbal IQ, and Comprehension and Similarities subtests compared to the OPD group. These results indicate that if the intelligence level is above average, ability of language is not affected regardless of the severity of ADHD symptoms, and that ADHD is not always accompanied by defectived language ability.
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