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The aim of the current study was to examine the effects of personality and parenting factors on the developmental trajectories of children's internalizing problems using the short-term longitudinal design. A total of 585 parents in two elementary schools in Gyunggi Province participated in the study: children’s internalizing problems were measured three times with five month intervals and children’s personality and parenting behaviors were measured once, only at the first time-point. Cohort sequential design and latent growth curve model was used for analyses according to the sex of children. The results were as follows. First, internalizing problems showed stability in both female and male children groups. Second, regarding the predictors of the identified pattern subgroups, harm avoidance was a strong predictor of children’s internalizing problems across subject groups and persistence and self-directedness played an important role in female group. Third, parental control predicted the developmental trajectories in girls while no parenting effects were reported in boys. Suggestions for future research were discussed, along with the appropriate intervention for those with internalizing problems and the limitation of the current study.
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