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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of social support and conflict in different relationships on depression and suicidal ideation among older adults residing in a Korean rural area, and also to explore whether there are any differences in these effects between the young-old and the old-old subgroups. The participants of this study were normal older adults who participated in the first wave of “Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project (KSHAP).” They were all aged 60 years and above, and they were divided into two groups, i. e. the young-old group (aged 60-74 years) and the old-old group (aged 75 and over). In each group, the effect of social support and conflict in different relationships (spouse, family and kin, and neighbors and friends) on depression were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The effects of support and conflict from different sources on the suicidal ideation, which is especially related to depression of seniors, was also analyzed through a logistic regression analysis. For the young-old group, the relationships with spouse and friends were especially important. Less support received from spouse and friends, alternatively, greater conflict with spouse and friends resulted in greater depression experienced by participants. In the old-old group, however, social support and conflict from any types of relationship did not have significant effects on depression. In addition, more support received from family and kin, there was a decrease in suicidal ideation. Lastly, we discussed the implications for future study and clinical intervention. Moreover, limitations of this study were also discussed.
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