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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The Ministry for Health & Welfare Affairs has marked a major milestone in a new mental health paradigm emphasizing the importance of preventative and early interventions. In this context, the development of a reliable and valid screening tool for mental disorders has become a high priority. A consensus has recently emerged among experts that there is a paucity of screening tools available for anxiety disorders and none of them is sufficient in its sensitivity and specificity. The development of new screening approaches for anxiety disorders was therefore recommended. In the current study, the multi-disciplinary research team comprised of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and psychometricians, conducted a systematic review of existing screening tools for anxiety disorders to analyze strengths and limitations of the tools and to summarize the background and rationale for development of the new Korean screening tool for anxiety disorders (K-ANX). The K-ANX aims to cover recent diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5 and RDoC in a concise manner with sufficient diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. We also summarize the sub-domains of anxiety disorders and develop 273 preliminary item pools of the K-ANX. A preliminary study using the K-ANX was then conducted with 150 individuals whice showed that it demonstrates high concurrent validity with the BAI. Finally, the directions for the validation of the final K-ANX project were discussed.
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