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This study examined the moderating effects of impulsivity based on the UPPS-P model in the relationship between positive, negative affect and binge eating behavior of Korean high school students. A total 284 students in the first and second grades of five high schools in Seoul participated. First, there was no gender difference in binge eating behavior. The lack of premeditation and the lack of perseverance were significantly higher in girls while sensation seeking, positive urgency and positive affect were significantly higher in boys. Second, there were no correlations among positive/negative affect and binge eating behavior in boys, while girls had significant positive correlations among positive/negative affect, impulsivity, and binge eating behavior. Finally, the lack of perseverance moderated the relationship between positive affect and binge eating behavior in boys, while positive urgency and negative urgency moderated the relationship between positive affect and binge eating behavior in girls. However, none of the five sub-factors of impulsivity moderated the relationship between negative affect and binge eating behavior in both boys and girls. The implications and limitations of this study were further discussed.
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