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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
A number of previous studies reported that patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) perform poorly on executive function tests. However, due to the low specificity of most executive function tests, it is uncertain whether these results reflect deficits in the executive function or some other cognitive functions. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to distinguish between two hypotheses: (1) low performance of PD patients on executive function tests reflects deficits in the executive function and (2) low performance of PD patients on executive function tests is due to impairment in some other cognitive functions. To this end, Cognition Scale for Older Adults was administered to patients with PD (n=30) and matched controls (n=26). They were compared on six sets of paired tasks, in which one strongly demanded the executive function while the other did not. The major findings were as follows. First, relative to the matched controls, PD patients showed significantly greater impairment in word fluency than in information fluency, Rey copy than picture naming, delayed recall than delayed recognition, and Executive Function Index than Basic Function Index, indicating that low performance on word fluency, Rey copy, Delayed recall, and Executive Function Index is associated with impairment in executive function. Second, PD patients showed a large impairment in both the Stroop simple and interference trials, indicating prominent deficit in the psychomotor speed. Third, PD patients and controls were not significantly different with respect to Digit span forward and backward, indicating relative preservation of working memory capacity. Taken together, these results indicate that PD is associated with relatively greater cognitive impairment in the domains of the executive function and psychomotor speed.
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