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Suicide is a pathological behavior that requires academic and clinical attention because it cannot be undone once accomplished. Prevention of suicide is especially important in South Korea, as the suicide rate is alarmingly high. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempt considering the roles of the acquired capability for suicide and suicidal desire, which are the concepts proposed in the interpersonal psychological theory, the latest theory of suicide. A total 91 psychiatric patients with reported depressive symptoms provided data on non-suicidal self-injury, acquired capability for suicide, suicidal desire, and the number of lifetime suicide attempts using self-report inventories. Additionally we used a pressure algometer and structured interview. Results indicated that non-suicidal self-injury significantly predicted suicide attempt, mediated by pain tolerance, which is one of the subcomponents of acquired capability for suicide. Furthermore, suicidal desire moderated the relationship between pain tolerance and suicide attempt. Lastly, pain tolerance mediated the relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempt when suicidal desire was high but not when suicidal desire was low. Results were still significant after controlling for the effects of smoking and depressive symptoms. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.
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