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Effects of Anticipatory and Consummatory Components of the Experience of Pleasure on Anhedonic Depression


The purpose of this thesis is to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying anhedonic depression and thus provide a theoretical base for treatment innovations to alleviate anhedonic symptoms of depression. Anhedonic symptoms are defined as a decreased capacity to experience pleasure; and have been considered as a unitary concept. Accumulating evidence, however, indicates that two distinct sub–processes are involved in reward processing, i.e., anticipatory pleasure and consummatory pleasure. Building on this hypothesis, the present study seeks to explore how disturbances in each pleasure experience are related to anhedonic depression. A total of 305 undergraduate participants completed the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale, the BIS/BAS Scales (i.e., behavioral inhibition system [BIS]; and behavioral activation system [BAS]), Questionnaire upon Mental Imagery, Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, and Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire-Anhedonic Depression Scale as part of this study. The results revealed that anticipatory pleasure mediated the relationship between the BAS and anhedonic depression, and mental imagery ability and anhedonic depression. Furthermore, mental imagery ability predicted anticipatory pleasure, even controlling for the influence of the BAS. Finally, consummatory pleasure appeared to have a moderating effect on the relationship between mindful attention awareness and anhedonic depression. Based on these results the implications and limitations of the current study are discussed.

무쾌감성 우울, 행동 활성화 체계, 예기적 즐거움, 소비적 즐거움, 심상, anhedonic depression, behavioral activation system, anticipatory pleasure, consummatory pleasure, mental imagery



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