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The Effects of Ego Depletion and Psychological Burden on Fatigue in Everyday Life: Focusing on Narcissism


Resisting the desire to conflict with goals in everyday life may lead to ego depletion and subsequent fatigue. However, even when goals and desires are not in conflict with each other, the psychological burden of goal achievement may also be a source of fatigue. The aim of the present study is to examine the moderating effect of narcissistic personality on the relationship between psychological burden and fatigue. A total of 104 adults participated in this study. Using the experience sampling method, we measured daily ego depletion and psychological burden seven times a day for one week. The level of fatigue was also measured at the end of each day. A series of multilevel analyses revealed that daily ego depletion and psychological burden positively predicted daily fatigue level. Covert narcissism was more related to psychological burden and fatigue than overt narcissism. Participants with overt narcissism were more severely fatigued when they experienced psychological burden than non-narcissistic participants. Lastly, we discussed the implications and limitations of the present study.

ego depletion, psychological burden, fatigue, experience sampling method, narcissism, 자아고갈, 심리적 부담감, 피로, 경험표집법, 자기애



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