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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study aimed to develop the Disability Scale (DS), a scale for assessing functional impairment in individuals with mental disorders, and to preliminarily explore the psychometric properties of the DS in university students. In the first part of the study, exploratory factor analysis on DS in the university student group (N=259) yielded five factors: “mood problems,” “interpersonal problems,” “self-care problems,” “academic and occupational problems,” and “health and family problems,” for both items on the past 2 weeks and items on the past 6 months. In the second part of the study, analyses of reliability and validity of the DS were performed. The DS showed sound internal consistency, 3-week test-retest reliability, and construct validity. In addition, DS scores were significantly higher in the clinical group with anxiety and depressive disorders (N=29), when compared with the university student group (N=286). The DS showed positive associations with the scales for assessing functional impairment and psychological symptoms including depression and anxiety. Confirmatory factor analyses on the five-factor model of the DS resulted in favorable goodness of fit indices for both items on the past 2 weeks and items on the past 6 months. Clinical implications and limitations of this study are also discussed.
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