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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study validated the newly developed Social-Emotional, Evidence-based Developmental Strengths (SEEDS) Questionnaire. The SEEDS Questionnaire is the first questionnaire to comprehensively measure the social-emotional, evidence-based developmental strengths areas that have been found to be the most effective areas for reducing mental health problems in children and adolescents. A total of 1,033 Korean students in elementary through high school completed the SEEDS Questionnaire and validity measures. Factor analysis results supported the SEEDS Questionnaire 13-factor structure. The 3-factor higher-order Cognitive-Behavioral-Interpersonal model was also supported. Reliability and validity of all scale scores were also supported. The SEEDS subscales correlated significantly with externalizing and internalizing symptoms (including anxiety, depression, and anger) and with positive affect. These results highlight the role that the SEEDS Questionnaire may play in not only helping to reduce mental health problems, but also increasing well-being and positive engagement in children and adolescents’ lives. Study limitations and implications for enhancing support services in school and clinical settings via this new assessment are discussed.
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