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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Distress is an unpleasant emotional experience that may interfere with the ability to cope effectively with cancer. Distress can range from normal emotional responses, such as sadness and fear, to psychopathological states that damage psychosocial functioning, such as depression, anxiety, panic, social withdrawal, and existential crisis. It is reported that approximately 35– 45% of cancer patients experience clinically significant levels of distress, and the distress continues after treatment. Currently, about 1.74 million cancer patients and survivors live in Korea. Over the past 10 years, the survival rate has increased by 1.3 times and will most likely continue to increase. Although interest in cancer patients’ psychological difficulties and awareness of the need for psychological interventions are increasing, rarely is distress management provided by clinical psychologists in integrative cancer care systems. This comprehensive review aimed to explore 1) the concept of distress in cancer patients, 2) the basic model and principles of distress management, 3) available distress screening and assessment tools, and 4) current status of distress management and its clinical applications in Korea. Further, we discussed the roles of clinical psychologists and researchers in oncological settings in optimizing distress management in cancer patients.
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