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This study explored the subtypes of depression based on various symptoms in multiple dimensions, through a person-centered approach. For this purpose, latent profile analysis of 473 depressive patients was conducted using specific problems scales of MMPI-2-RF, which consist of multidimensional variables such as somatic/cognitive scales, internalizing, externalizing, and interpersonal problems. As a result, a 5-class solution was adopted and the classes were labeled as the mild group, helplessness group, somatic group, avoidant group with anxiety, and irritable group with anxiety. Each group differed in their clinical characteristics. The mild group (22.6%) presented a low level of symptoms in all the dimensions and had lower comorbidity. The helplessness group (23.9%) experienced high hopelessness and self-doubt, but a lower level of other somatic/ cognitive or externalizing symptoms. The somatic group (27.9%) experienced elevated somatic/cognitive symptoms, whereas passivity and social avoidance in interpersonal scales were not as high as those of the helplessness group. The avoidant group with anxiety (19.0%) presented a high level of symptoms in all the internalizing scales, especially high passivity and social avoidance in interpersonal scales. The rate of co-occurrence with anxiety disorders was also high in this group. The irritable group with anxiety (6.6%) was characterized by high externalizing symptoms such as aggression and activation, in addition to overall high internalizing symptoms, and a high rate of alcohol use disorder. Based on these results, the implications and limitations of this study are discussed.
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