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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Not every individual who experiences a traumatic event is diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or shows its symptoms. Resilience has been understood to be a key factor that helps individuals adapt successfully following an adversity. Acceptance has also been considered a therapeutic factor for such individuals. However, there are few studies that investigated the relationship between resilience and acceptance, and their impacts on post-traumatic stress symptoms. The current study examined the effect of resilience on post-traumatic stress symptoms and the mediating role of acceptance in the relationship. A total of 140 participants who experienced trauma (80 females and 60 males) were included in the analyses. Resilience was found to be negatively correlated with post-traumatic stress symptoms and acceptance was found to mediate the relationship between the two. This study provides an understanding of the mechanism underpinning the effect of resilience on post-traumatic stress symptoms. Study limitations and suggestions for future research are also discussed.
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