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Over the past decade, there has been growing concern about nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI), which refers to deliberate selfharming behaviors aimed at the destruction of one’s own body tissue without suicidal intent. A series of therapeutic interventions have been developed and have verified that NSSI has a higher prevalence than any other mental illness and is a significant obstacle to the biological and social development of individuals. However, from traditional psychotherapy to drug therapy, no specific treatment has been established to date for intervention of NSSI. These findings are consistent across different age groups, but especially for children and adolescents. Even an untrained therapist’s approach seems to contribute to aggravating NSSI. As a result, many researchers have a taken reserved attitude towards the level of effectiveness of certain types of NSSI treatment, but at present significant efforts are being made to establish a set of guidelines for clinicians to ensure the efficiency and compliance of therapeutic intervention of individuals who engage in NSSI.
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