E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic mental disorder characterized by bidirectional mood episodes and associated with diverse functional impairments and suicidal risk. Firstly, this narrative review emphasized the necessity and utility of adjunct psychosocial interventions for BD. Next, the author attempted to provide up-to-date guidelines on which particular psychosocial interventions could be recommended as evidence-based treatment (EBT) of BD by reviewing treatment studies conducted in Korea as well as other countries. As a result, four psychosocial interventions (psychoeducation, family-focused therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and interpersonal and social rhythm therapy) were identified as EBTs with strong levels of evidence, based on randomized controlled trials conducted overseas. In general, adjunct psychosocial treatments showed effectiveness in relapse prevention and acute treatment during depressive episodes. Additionally, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy began to demonstrate promising outcomes. However, although several preliminary studies have been published, there was a shortage of empirical evidence for effective EBT of BD within Korea. Lastly, the author discussed how to promote and disseminate EBT of BD within Korea.
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