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This study examined the effects of recalling positive autobiographical memories on repairing sad mood in depressed individ uals. Sixty-nine female undergraduates were selected into either a depressed group (n= 35) or a non-depressed group (n= 34). Sad mood was induced by a film clip while activity in the autonomic nervous system was recorded using finger pulse ampli tude (FPA). Following mood induction, each participant was randomly assigned to one of two recall conditions: (1) sponta neous recall in which participants were instructed to freely recall three autobiographical memories and (2) cue-directed recall in which participants were instructed to recall three memories cued by positive words such as “happy,” “thankful,” and “proud.” Results are as follows. First, FPA decreased during the film viewing as compared to the baseline, regardless of group or condi tion, which indicates that sad mood was equally induced across all participants. Second, both groups reported more positive mood in cue-directed recall than they did in spontaneous recall. Third, the non-depressed group showed greater mood im provement than the depressed group did in cue-directed recall. These results suggest that directly recalling positive autobio graphical memories had an effect on repairing sad mood; however, it was more effective for non-depressed individuals.
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