open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was attempted to analyze Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventoy responses to peripheral vertiginous outpatients in the department of otolaryngology. MMPI was administered to 80 peripheral vertiginous cases and classified its profile with the same patterns of profile considering each subtest's elevations and profile configurations by the author. All of the profiles can be classified three types of profile. Profile type I showed a normal profile which T scores of all validity and clinical scales belong to the range of 45 to 55 points. Profile II showed a typical 1-3-2 profile type suggesting mainly depressive neurosis in the department of neuropsychiatry. Thai is, Hs, Hy, and D scales were dominant in the profiles and the configuration of the scales were basically same profile patterns of the clinical-depressive group. Profile type III were seemed to be a rather psychotic profile suggesting more emotional difficulties. The percentage of type I among the subjects was 32.5%. And the percentage of type II and type III was 60% and 7.5% respectively. According to the MMPI profile types, it was also indicated that 68% of peripheral vertiginous patients are related to emotional difficulties in any way, particularly depressive in nature. But it does not mean that emotional factors in the peripheral vertiginous patients are basically primary casuses. Even so, this results indicated that pschological assessment are necessary procedure in order to diagnose the peripheral vetigo and treat the patients more effectively.