This study proposes a new site selection model which reflects integrated opinions of several groups and identifies sites through objectivity of selection procedure. The proposed model consists of two parts, Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and Geographic Information(GIS). This model was applied to Seocho-gu in Seoul. First, library site selection criteria were determined through literature study. Hierarchical relationship based on the questionnaire was determined and refined to be suited to Seocho-gu case. A survey was conducted with three groups, namely, library users, librarians, and public worker. A few inconsistent answers to the survey questionnaire were excluded and the relative importance of each criterion was measured. Next, an overlay method was used and the relative importance was used as a weight for selecting candidates. This process excluded the areas where a library was unable to be built, for example, rivers, military areas, other restricted areas by law, etc. and resulted in seventy-five sites. Five groups of candidates were identified according to the similarity of criteria. Finally, four groups, after eliminating one lowly fitted group, were determined.
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