University library in university organization needs more to innovating with through information management systems. In this paper introduced IMS to university library in Korea. In this paper investigated difference of recognition between college and university about IMS. The samples (n=67) were composed of those who had already engaged in university library and college. The results of this study were as follows; Most participants who was considerate no more important to mind for IMS introduction. Then, the results of ANOVA analysis was recognized employee's about IMS that among of the best problems was negative(-) effect to introduction necessary and introduction timeless of IMS was insignified with F=0.469(p=0.497), sig=0.05. and F=2.410(p=0.125), sig=0.05. By the way, education necessary of IMS was signified with F=7.470(p=0.008), sig=0.01. Finally, in this paper provided the fundamental data for the standardization and transparency related to policy establish of university library for introducing of IMS.
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