본 논문은 우리나라에서 문헌정보학 교육과 연구 분야에서의 활동과 실적을 조사 및 정리해 보고, 이 분야 발전을 위하여 앞으로의 방향을 모색해보는데 연구 의의가 있다. 연구결과 문헌정보학 분야에서의 주요 이슈는 다음과 같이 나타났다. 1) 국내 문헌정보학과들은 교과과정을 꾸준히 재구성 중에 있다 2) IT 교육을 강화해나가고 있다 3) (주제)전문직 사서를 배출하기 위하여 학부과정에서 복수전공 과정을 도입하고 있다 4) 연구영역에서 활발한 분야는 도서관경영, 정보조직, 정보학 등으로 나타났다 5) 최근 들어 연구 분야가 다양화되고 있는데 정보검색, 기록관리, 출판 분야로 영역이 확장되고 있다.
This study examines the history and issues of the LIS field in Korea in order to identify problems of the current librarian education & research areas and provide a new direction for development in this field. As the result of the research, the issues in the department of LIS are found as follows: 1) the LIS departments are restructuring their curriculums 2) the departments are strengthening IT education 3) the foundation for producing professional librarians with area expertise is established by double major programs 4) most popular research areas are library management, organization of information, information sciences etc. 5) the research areas have been diversified as well including information search, record management and publishing.
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(1999). Teaching for Technology: Current Practice and Future Direction. 18(2), 78-83.
(2001). An Analytical Study on Research Trends of Library and Information Science in Korea: 1996-2000. 35(3), 55-78.
(2004). Understanding Library & Information Science. , -.
(2002). The End of the Standalone Library School.. 127(11), 40-42.
(2002). Broadening Our Reach: LIS Education for Undergraduates.. 33(2), 40-43.
(1998). Communicating research. , -.
(2005). A Study on the Curriculums of Library and Information Science for Subject Specialist.. 36(3), 39-64.
(2005). A Comparative Study on the Curriculum Development of Library & Information Science in Korea in Line with the Structural Shifts of the Society. 36(1), 479-503.
(1999). Recent Trends of Library & Information Studies in the United Kingdom. 33(2), 170-174.
(2005). A Study on the Research Trends of Library & Information Science in Korea by Analyzing Journal Articles and the Cited Literatures.. 22(3), 383-389.
(2000). A Study of the Present Status and Curriculum Reformation of Library and Information Science Program in Korea. 31(2), -.
(2003). An Analytical Study on Research Trends of the Master's & Doctor's Dissertations in the Field of Library & Information Science in Korea: 1959~2002,. 34(4), 26-.
Web Sites. , -.
(2006). http://lis.knu.ac.kr/. , -.
(2006). http://slisnet.skku.ac.kr/. , -.
(2006). http://lis.yonsei.ac.kr/. , -.