The purpose of this study is to design and implement an ontology-based retrieval system for the electronic records of universities and to compare its performance with the existing keyword-based retrieval system. We used OntoStudio 1.4 for implementing an ontology-based retrieval system, and the test collection consisted of the following: (1) 5,099 electronic records of the 'personnel management notification' created by Korea Maritime University, (2) 20 topics (10 short-topics and 10 long-topics), and (3) the relevant assessments were conducted by the group of human experts. 10 university staff participated in the experiment of keyword-based searching and used the same test collection as used in the experiment of ontology-based searching. The ontology-based retrieval system outperformed to the keyword-based retrieval system in terms of Recall and Precision, and it showed better results with long-topic than with short-topic types.
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