Organizations are investing in information systems for an ever-increasing number of end-user tasks. Extracting benefit from these investments increasingly depends on supporting effective use of information center and satisfying information center users. Information center is information intensive and the use of advanced technology may support user for delivering an unique capabilities in an organization. Information center represents an important source which seems very well suited for end-users support investigation. This research explores the end-user support factors that correlate with user satisfaction in information center. To exam user satisfaction, information supporting , service reliability, and system capabilities were identified as potential predictors of end-user support satisfaction at information center. Three hypotheses have been tested with the survey of 252 end-users examines 18 potential end-user support factors such as information supporting, service staff attitude, and system capabilities at information center. Service quality gap between perceived importance and performance for each support factor, is computed. The relationship between these service quality gaps and user satisfaction are tested. This study presents that the level of information supporting , service reliability, and system capabilities are significantly to user satisfaction, and it is influenced by the extent of service quality gap between perceived importance and performance for each support factor.
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