Actually a diffusion of a Semantic Web application and utilization are situations insufficient extremely. Technology most important in Semantic Web application is construction of the Ontology which contents itself with characteristics of Semantic Web. Proposed a suitable a Method of Building Web Ontology for characteristics of Semantic Web and Web Ontology as we compared the existing Ontology construction and Ontology construction techniques proposed for Web Ontology construction, and we analyzed. And modeling did Ontology to bases to Description Logic and the any axiom rule that used an expression way of SWRL, and established Inference-based Web Ontology according to proposed ways. Verified performance of Ontology established through Ontology inference experiment. Also, established an Web Ontology-based Intelligence Image Retrieval System, to experiment systems for performance evaluation of established Web Ontology, and present an example of implementation of a Semantic Web application and utilization. Demonstrated excellence of a Semantic Web application to be based on Ontology through inference experiment of an experiment system.
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