In this study, web link analysis of the Korean National Archives has been performed using LexiURL to show the dynamic web flow of the National Archives and to identify which closely related institutions the archives should seek to cooperate with for developing an institutional strategic plan. Inlink and co-inlink analysis were performed and, to identify related institutions of the Korean National Archives, a comparison was made with other countries such as Australia, England and the United States. Through web link analysis, several features can be detected and future directions are suggested. Most inlinks and co-inlink of the Korean National Archives were from public institutions, indicating that relationships with educational or research institutions are weak. Moreover, Korean National Archives involve fewer web links related to international activities than other countries. Proceeding from these results, educational function, research function and international activities should be fortified. Korean National Archives need to provide more materials for supporting educational and research activities and more cultural interchange among related institutions. Further research with different heritage institutions such as libraries or museums is needed.
Korean National Archives.
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