The purpose of this study is to suggest retrieval interfaces for Korean paintings which support users to retrieve specific digitalized images of them through various access points and to widely browse based on unique features Korean paintings. The study, first, develops a set of descriptive elements suitable for Korean paintings. Twenty-six core elements and one hundred seventy-two attributes are selected as descriptive items for Korean paintings based on the opinion of 8 experts. Then, to gain realistic evidence of what descriptive elements of image serve users as access points, it is investigated which elements are used as retrieval access points among 26 core elements by 300 peered users who are consisted with two groups such as common users and domain specialists. The study, in final, designs two(general and advanced) types of search interfaces and display interfaces based on the most popular top 15 descriptive elements. This access-enhanced platform which enables user-oriented searches will satisfy users in image retrieving.
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