Individuals and organizations in the modern society produce diverse digital objects everyday, which are not only valuable information resources at present but also will be invaluable digital heritage for the future generation. TRAC(Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria & Checklist) is one of the evaluating tools against which digital archives could be assessed for their preparedness to perform the task of long-term preservation. The current study uses TRAC to assess OASIS(Online Archiving & Searching Internet Source). The results show that the web archive has a greater room for strengthening in the object management infrastructure than in organizational and technical infrastructures.
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Digital Repository Audit and Certification. Wikisite.
ISO 14721. 2002. Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System.
PREMIS Working Group. Implementing Preservation Repositories for Digital materials: Current Practice and Em- erging Trends in the Cultural Heritage Community: A Report.
OCLC & NARA. Trustworthy Repos- itories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist.