With explosive growth in the area of the Internet and IT services, various types of digital contents are generated and circulated, for instance, as converted into digital-typed, secure electronic records or reports, which have high commercial value, e-tickets and so on. However, because those digital contents have commercial value, high-level security should be required for delivery between a consumer and a provider with non face-to-face method in online environment. As a digital contents, an e-ticket is a sort of electronic certificate to assure ticket-holder’s proprietary rights of a real ticket. This paper focuses on e-ticket as a typical digital contents which has real commercial value. For secure delivery and use of digital contents in on/off environment, this paper proposes that 1) how to generate e-tickets in a remote e-ticket server, 2) how to authenticate a user and a smart card holding e-tickets for delivery in online environment, 3) how to save an e-ticket transferred through network into a smart card, 4) how to issue and authenticate e-tickets in offline, and 5) how to collect and discard outdated or used e-tickets.
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