The purpose of the national library is to collect all publications as part of the national heritage and preserve them. This study is undertaken to determine the coverage of the book collection of the National Library of Korea. Bibliographies for the year 2007 and 2008 publications are obtained from the Kyobo Book Centre and sampled 10 % systematically to be used as checklists. Coverage was determined by searching the citations against the OPAC of the National Library of Korea. Results indicate 92.25% of coverage for the books published in 2008, 78.10% coverage for the books published in 2007, and the cumulative coverage is 85.16%. The analysis shows time lag and subject fields with low coverage. Results are compared with previous studies. Reasons for the unpossessed books, such as delay of deposit and publisher characteristics, are identified. Recommendations for the coverage improvements and future research are suggested.
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