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  • P-ISSN1013-0799
  • E-ISSN2586-2073
  • KCI

Query by Colour : Investigating the Efficacy of Query Paradigms for Visual Information Retrieval

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2011, v.28 no.2, pp.135-158


The ability of the searcher to express their information problem to an information retrieval system is fundamental to the retrieval process. Query by visual example is the principal query paradigm for expressing queries in a content-based image retrieval environment yet there is little empirical evidence to support its efficacy in facilitating query formulation. The aim of this research was to investigate the usability of the query by colour method in supporting a range of information problems in order to contribute to the gap in knowledge regarding the relationship between searchers’ information problems and the query methods required to support efficient and effective visual query formulation. The results strongly suggest that the query method does not support visual query formulation and that there is a significant mismatch between the searchers information problems and the expressive power of the retrieval paradigm.

colour retrieval, content-based image retrieval, image retrieval, query by visual example, query by colour, visual information retrieval, usability, 컬러 검색, 내용기반 이미지 검색, 이미지 검색, 컬러에 의한 질의, 시각 정보검색, 유용성



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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management