This study analyzed scientists information behaviors when they engage in solving specific research problems in various situations throughout the entire scientific R&D lifecycle process. In-depth interviews with a total of 24 scientists were conducted in their research laboratories, the scientists’ everyday workplace and the contexts of scientific research. The theoretical and methodological frameworks employed for this study were Dervin’s Sense-making, Savolainen’s Everyday Life Information Seeking, and Engeström's Activity Theory. The findings of this study informed context-specific research and information behaviors of the scientists in the 14 sub stages of the five-stage of R&D lifecycle. Specifically, the study revealed the research objectives and related information behaviors (e.g., information needs, information seeking, information sources and channels, information barriers, etc.) to achieve the objectives at each sub-stage. The study results provided essential information to re-design the information services and strategies that accommodate the scientific R&D lifecycle.
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