Since information scientists have begun trying to quantify significant research trends in scientific publications, ‘-metrics’ research such as ‘bibliometrics’, ‘scientometrics’, ‘informetrics’, ‘webometrics’, and ‘citation analysis’ have been identified as crucial areas of information science. To illustrate the dynamic research activities in these areas, this study investigated the major contributors of ‘-metrics’ research for the last decade at three levels: nations, institutions, and documents. ‘-metrics’ literature of this study was obtained from the Science Citation Index for the years 2001-2011. In this analysis, we used Pathfinder network, PNNC algorithm, PageRank and several indicators based on h-index. In terms of international collaborations, USA and England were identified as major countries. At the institutional level, Katholieke University, Leuven and the University of Amsterdam in Europe and Indiana University and the Office of Naval Research in the USA have led co-research projects in informetrics areas. At the document level, Hirsch’s h-index paper and Ingwersen’s web impact factor paper were identified as the most influential work by two methods: PageRank and single paper h-index.
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