This research analyzed how the main requisites of faceted navigation as names of facets, subterms of facets, order of facets, too many results were user-centric. On the research method, this research analyzed the results of the three keywords retrieved in the 15 university libraries’ catalogs and how was user’s familiarity to the terms. Although domestic universities have serviced facet navigation, the names of the facet of publication date and series title in format and the terms under the facets as multimedia and nonbook material, media material are too difficult intuitively to understand and there were lots of formal terms used in cataloging rules and the terms librarians have usually used. Because of the terms, there is high possibility to deteriorate users’ satisfaction and usability to library catalog in future. Even though they serviced facet navigation, there was also weakness as too many results and the university libraries need to use relevance ranking method to solve the weakness. This research has found the possibility of being used too many of levels of the facets and this may also badly affect the users’ experience to library catalog.
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