This study aims to analyze and evaluate term suggestion services of major search portals, Naver and Google Korea. In particular, this study evaluated relevance and currency of related search terms provided, and analyzed characteristics such as number and distribution of terms, and queries that did not produce terms. This study also analyzed types of terms in terms of the relationship between queries and terms, and investigated types and characteristics of harmful terms and terms with grammatical errors. Finally, Korean queries and English queries, and popular queries and academic queries were compared in terms of the amount and relevance of search terms provided. The results of this study show that the relevance and currency of Naver's related search terms are somewhat higher than those of Google. Both Naver and Google tend to add terms to or delete terms from original queries, and provide identical search terms or synonym terms rather than providing entirely new search terms. The results of this study can be implemented to the portal's effective development of term suggestion services.
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