The purpose of this study is to reveal the influence of the expectation and perceived performance of the online science & technology information service quality on user satisfaction and royalty. To achieve this goal, we use the NDSLQual model to measure the quality of NDSL service. The results were as follows: First, among seven expectation factors, four factors (reliability, convenience, system usability and information quality) had a positive effect on the user satisfaction. Second, while service recovery had a negative effect on the royalty, the other six factors (reliability, convenience, system usability, responsiveness, security and information quality) had a positive effect on the royalty. Third, among seven perceived performance factors, three factors (reliability, convenience and information quality) had a positive effect on the user satisfaction. Fourth, among seven perceived performance factors, three factors (reliability, convenience and information quality) had a positive effect on the royalty. As a result, information quality, reliability and convenience of the expectation and perceived performance are common factors influencing user satisfaction and royalty.
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