This study conducted qualitative research to investigate the librarians’ organizational commitment and relations between the commitment and their goal recognition in the university library context with several open-ended, deep interviews with university librarians in order to understand the relations from diverse perspectives. As a result, many participants showed low level of organizational commitment because of their hygiene factors, such as payment, incentives, relations with colleagues, and job conditions as well as motivators including characteristics of the work, sense of accomplishment, responsibility, promotion, and self-improvement. The two factors are considered to have direct impacts on their organizational commitment. Also, the research revealed that positive goal perception was related to motivators and, at the same time, hygiene factors. Accordingly, we concluded that librarians’ perception of goals are closely related to both hygiene factors and motivators. We also identify that a need of a statistical study with a questionnaire survey to confirm the relations between the organizational commitment and goal perception for developing managerial measures for the organizational commitment, and further, for better library performance.
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