This study attempted to reveal the characteristics of the Y generation, to derive the services of the next generation digital library, and to compare differences between the demands of the baby boom generation and the Y generation to some extent. As a result, first, it is shown that the digital device the Y generation uses the most, was a cell phone or smartphone, followed by desktop PC, notebook PC, and digital camera. Although there were some differences, the Y generation’s use ratio of digital devices was substantially similar to the baby boomers’. Second, there was a significant difference between the Y generation and baby boom generation in terms of using digital services. While the Y generation used internet portals the most, the baby boom generation used e-mail service the most. Third, we surveyed the services which the Y generation and baby boom generation require for the next generation digital libraries, by grouping as follows: the cloud service, infinite creative space (maker space), big data, augmented reality, Google Glass, context-aware technologies, semantic services, SNS service, digital textbook service, RFID and QRCode service, library space configuration, a state-of-the-art display technology, and other innovative services. While the most demanded service by the Y generation was big data service, the baby boom generation most demanded digital textbook service.
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