The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of librarian’s empowerment and organizational commitment on organizational effectiveness in libraries. The subjects of this study were 148 librarians of 10 libraries in Jeollabuk-do in accordance to purposeful sampling of nonprobability sampling. The statistics program that was used to achieve the purpose was SPSS pc+ 20.0. The statistics methods were used one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple regression test. The following conclusion were drawn from the research procedures and data analysis. First, the librarian’s empowerment level and organizational effectiveness make a difference by age level. But the librarian’s organizational commitment make no difference by age level. Second, the librarian’s empowerment level make a difference by marital status. But the librarian’s organizational commitment and effectiveness make no difference by marital status. Third, the librarian’s empowerment level make a difference by career in present librarian. But the librarian’s organizational commitment and effectiveness make no difference by career in present librarian. Fourth, Very a high correlation is influence factor and all of the empowerment, competence factor, and all of the empowerment. Fifth, the organizational effectiveness is affected 9.3% by librarian’s empowerment, 5.6% by librarian’s organizational commitment.
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