This study described the results of converting RDB to RDF ontology by each of R2RML method and Non-R2RML method. This study measured the size of the converted data, the conversion time per each tuple, and the response speed to queries. The STNet, a structured terminology dictionary based on RDB, was served as a test bed for converting to RDF ontology. As a result of the converted data size, Non-R2RML method appeared to be superior to R2RML method on the number of converted triples, including its expressive diversity. For the conversion time per each tuple, Non-R2RML was a little bit more faster than R2RML, but, for the response speed to queries, both methods showed similar response speed and stable performance since more than 300 numbers of queries. On comprehensive examination it is evaluated that Non-R2RML is the more appropriate to convert the dynamic RDB system, such as the STNet in which new data are steadily accumulated, data transformation very often occurred, and relationships between data continuously changed.
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