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  • P-ISSN1013-0799
  • E-ISSN2586-2073
  • KCI

Analysis of Users' Inflow Route and Search Terms of the Korea National Archives' Web Site

Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2018, v.35 no.1, pp.183-203


As the users’ information use environment changes to the Web, the archives are providing more services on the Web than before. This study analyzes the users’ recent inflow route and the highly ranked 100 search terms of each month for 10 and half years in the Web site of National Archives of Korea, and suggests suitable information services. As a result of the analysis, it was found out that the inflow route could be divided into access from portal site, by country, from related institutions, and via mobile platform. As a result of analyzing the search terms of users for the last 10 and half years, the most frequently searched term turned out to be ‘Land Survey Register’, which was also the search term that was searched for with steady interests for 10 and half years. Also, other government documents or official gazettes were of great interests to users. As results of identifying the most frequently searched and steadily searched terms, we were able to categorize the search terms largely in terms of land, Japanese colonial period, the Korean war and relationship of North Korea and South Korea, and records management and use. Based on the results of the analysis, we suggested strengthening connection of the National Archives Web site with portal sites and mobile, and upgrading and improving search services of the National Archives. This study confirmed that the analysis of Web log and user search terms would yield meaningful results that could enhance the user services in archives.

기록정보서비스, 웹로그 분석, 이용자 검색어 분석, 유입경로 분석, 빅데이터 분석, archival information services, Web log analysis, users’ search terms analysis, inflow route analysis, big data analysis



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Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management