Recently, as the amount of academic literature has increased rapidly and complex researches have been actively conducted, researchers have difficulty in analyzing trends in previous research. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to classify information in units of academic papers. However, in Korea, there is no academic database in which such information is provided. In this paper, we propose an automatic classification system that can classify domestic academic literature into multiple classes. To this end, first, academic documents in the technical science field described in Korean were collected and mapped according to class 600 of the DDC by using K-Means clustering technique to construct a learning set capable of multiple classification. As a result of the construction of the training set, 63,915 documents in the Korean technical science field were established except for the values in which metadata does not exist. Using this training set, we implemented and learned the automatic classification engine of academic documents based on deep learning. Experimental results obtained by hand-built experimental set-up showed 78.32% accuracy and 72.45% F1 performance for multiple classification.
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