This study aimed to analyze the content of Records Data Management (RDM) training programs provided by 51 out of 121 university libraries in North America that implemented RDM services, and to provide implications from the results. For the content analysis, 317 titles of classroom training programs and 42 headings at the highest level from the tables of content of online tutorials were collected and coded based on 12 data literacy competencies identified from previous studies. Among classroom training programs, those regarding data processing and analysis competency were offered the most. The highest number of the libraries provided classroom training programs in relation to data management and organization competency. The third most classroom training programs dealt with data visualization and representation competency. However, each of the remaining 9 competencies was covered by only a few classroom training programs, and this implied that classroom training programs focused on the particular data literacy competencies. There were five university libraries that developed and provided their own online tutorials. The analysis of the headings showed that the competencies of data preservation, ethics and data citation, and data management and organization were mainly covered and the difference existed in the competencies stressed by the classroom training programs. For effective RDM training program, it is necessary to understand and support the education of data literacy competencies that researchers need to draw research results, in addition to competencies that university librarians traditionally have taught and emphasized. It is also needed to develop educational resources that support continuing education for the librarians involved in RDM services.
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