ISSN : 1013-0799
With the rapid increase in information and the development of information technologies, the importance of information management is increasing for individuals. The study aimed to examine how the motivations or disturbance factors of personal information management affect college students. First, the motivation and disturbance factors of personal information management were derived through the analysis of previous studies, and the effects of these factors on information organization and information management activities were analyzed. For this purpose, an online questionnaire was conducted for college students at a university in Seoul and a total of 593 valid responses were analyzed. The study found that the motivations or disturbance factors of personal information management influenced personal information management behavior. The study extends the literature of personal information management by analyzing the information management behavior of individuals and identifying the factors influencing such behavior. Furthermore, the finding of the study suggests the practical implications that it is essential to provide personal information management education so that college students can manage personal information efficiently.