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The Effect of Adding New Features in Convergence Products on Consumer's Perceived Product Usability: Moderating Effect of Self-Regulatory Focus and Temporal Distance of Preannouncement


Digital convergent products are omnipresent. Do consumers always evaluate convergent products with lots of new features positively? This study investigates how adding new features in convergent product affect on consumers' perceived product usability. This study also examines moderating effect of self-regulatory focus and new product preannouncement type. This study has a 2 (number of features: low/high) x 2 (regulatory focus: prevention vs. promotion) x 2 (temporal distance of preannouncement: near future vs. distance future) between subject design. The results demonstrated that consumers were more likely to perceive product usability higher when number of new features added was high. The moderating effect of self-regulatory focus was also significant. Compared to the prevention-focused consumers, promotion-focused consumers were more likely to perceive product usability higher when added new features were high. Lastly, it was found that three way effect was significant. When the number of new features added was high and preannouncement is near future, perceived product usability was higher for prevention-focused consumers compared to promotion-focused consumers. The implication of these findings were discussed.

product usability, self-regulatory focus, preannouncement, temporal distance



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