open access
ISSN : 1229-8778
This study examined the relationship between long-term orientation, future self-continuity, and investment intention. Both long-term orientation and future self-continuity are related to the tendency to endure the present moment for future rewards. Likewise, one of the characteristics of investment is intertemporal choices, which have tradeoffs between small but immediate rewards and larger but later rewards. Since long-term orientation is associated with valuing future rewards, it will likely increase future self-continuity and investment intention. The result showed that long-term orientation increased future self-continuity, and future self-continuity affected investment intention. Future self-continuity mediated the relationship between long-term orientation and investment intention. Throughout this study, we discussed the characteristics of consumers interested in financial investment products.
The purpose of this study was to develop and verify a scale that reflects the mukbang watching motives for mukbang viewers. Through a literature survey, 146 common keywords and six types of common motives were derived by analyzing the food-related content viewing motivation scale. Around 38 preliminary questions were constructed by evaluating their understanding, importance, and suitability through second content validity verifications. Content validity analysis and exploratory factor analysis were performed on the results of the on-line questionnaire survey. Participants were 462 individuals with experience in watching mukbang. A total of 24 questions and the following six sub-factors were derived: “The pursuit of mental and physical stability,” “The pursuit of entertainment,” “The pursuit of social relations,” “The pursuit of information,” “The pursuit of vicarious satisfaction (identification),” and “The pursuit of avoidance and killing time.” Individual fit of each item and appropriateness of the response category were examined through the Rasch model of the question response theory, and it was found that all items met the fitness criteria. Furthermore, the 5-point Likert scale was confirmed to be appropriate. To verify whether the exploratory factor analysis results were valid, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on 424 people with experience in watching mukbang, and the six factor structures were found to be appropriate. Determining the convergence validity and discrimination validity of the mukbang viewing motivation scale using correlation analysis indicated a high correlation with each sub-scale of the social networking service (SNS) usage motivation and a low correlation with the food craving scale. Finally, the implications, limitations, and future research tasks of this study are presented.
With the increasing popularity of Instagram, a representative SNS with photo sharing as its main function, consumers are frequently sharing products or services purchased by individuals on Instagram. This study explored the motivation of Instagram users to share purchase photos based on the usage and satisfaction theory and investigated how this motivation affects users’ satisfaction with sharing purchase photos and continuous sharing intention. Furthermore, the relative influence of each purchase photo sharing motivation on the user’s photo sharing satisfaction and the moderating effect of user characteristics (age, gender, and frequency of sharing) in the relationship between them were examined. In order to collect the measurement items of Instagram users’ motivation to share purchase photos, previous studies on sharing existing digital photos were reviewed, and a preliminary survey was conducted on users who had experience sharing purchase photos on Instagram accounts, and then exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted. As a result, five factors were derived for Instagram users’ motivation to share purchase photos: status-seeking, information sharing, self-expression, social-connection, and entertainment. In addition, a survey was conducted on users who had experience sharing purchase photos on individual Instagram accounts using Amazon Mechanical Turk, and the results of analyzing 305 valid surveys with SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 21.0 programs are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the effect of each purchase photo sharing motivation on the user’s photo sharing satisfaction, it was found that status-seeking, information sharing, self-expression, and social-connection motivations had a positive effect on photo sharing satisfaction. Second, as the user’s satisfaction with sharing purchase photos increased, the intention to continuously share purchase photos was found to be higher. Third, the moderating effect of user characteristics was verified in the relationship between the purchase photo sharing motivation and the user’s photo sharing satisfaction. The results of this study identify the motive factors for sharing purchased item’s photos of Instagram users, suggest a theoretical framework to promote continuous sharing behavior, and help practitioners design a strategic direction to encourage photo sharing of their products/services.