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This research aims to develop and validate the Mindfulness Consumption Scale. Mindfulness consumption was defined as “bare attention to and awareness of consumer’s inner and outer states in a consumption setting” based on early Buddhism and recent development in psychology. Two independent studies were prepared to develop a scale which had an acceptable reliability and validity. In study 1, 228 of college students were participated. An exploratory factor analysis of the original 28 pilot items showed 2-factor structure- attention and awareness- was inferior to a 3-factor model: attention, awareness of mind, and awareness of environment. Based on item analysis, 10 items were selected. The 10-item 3-factor scale showed a good convergent and discriminant validity when the correlations with conceptually related and nonrelated variables were examined. In study 2, another 210 of college students were rate the 10-item scale and the scales which were developed to measure self-monitoring, self-control, impulsivity, impulsive consumption, over consumption, and conspicuous consumption. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the 3-factor model had a better model fit than 1- or 2-factor model again. The final scale provided additional 2~14% R2 even though the effects of self-monitoring, impulsiveness, and self-control were controlled, and was proved of the more outstanding influence than 3 other variables.
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