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The influence of self-brand connection, brand performance, and purchase situation on consumer’s state self-esteem


This study examines the effect of self-brand connection, brand performance, and purchase situation on consumer’s state self-esteem. The research findings show that the three way interaction effect among self-brand connection, brand performance, and purchase situation is significant in the terms of state self-esteem. Especially in the purchase situation of self-use, the participants who have high self-brand connection show the significant distinction in the aspect of state self-esteem according to whether the brand performance is success or failure. In contrast, the participants who have low self-brand connection do not show the significant distinction according to brand performance. Furthermore, in the purchase situation of gift for friends in three-way interaction, the group of high self-brand connections is found out to have significantly high state self-esteem in successful brand performance than failure. In the same situation as the purchase situation of gift for friends, the group of low self-brand connections does not show the significant distinction according to brand performance.

self-brand connection, brand performance, purchase situation, state self-esteem



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