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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Drawing on HSM (Heuristic-Systematic Model)’s bias hypothesis, this study examines how the theoretical mechanism to mood effects differently affects the relationship between program-induced mood and affective ambiguity in commercial breaks, on the attitude toward brand and advertising recall. In a experiment, 108 undergraduate students evaluate advertising and brands which include three types of emotional ad appeals. Also, this study use psychophysiological measures to empirically investigate the arousal state while subjects view the TV programs. Results indicate that the proposed hypotheses receive support in that the effect of negative mood can be moderated by affective ambiguity in commercial breaks on brand attitudes. Results also show that the relationship between the positive program-induced mood and ad recall is contingent on the positive valence of advertising’s affects. Interestingly, these findings support the HSM’s bias hypothesis that suggests the interplay of heuristic and systematic processing. Additionally, our results indicate that negative program-induced mood is relatively associated with the attitude toward brands in middle-commercial breaks. Theoretical implication to advertising effectiveness literature are discussed along with disputable issues how program-induced mood affects the processing of advertising and brand.
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