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J. Varshini premakumari(PG & Research department of Zoology, Voorhees college) ; M. Job Gopinath(PG & Research department of Zoology, Voorhees college) (pp.79-90)
Mingyan Ma(Zhejiang Pharmaceutical University) ; Qiangxiang Chen(ShaoXing Institution for Food and Drug Control) ; Wen Cao(Zhejiang Pharmaceutical University) ; Yubo Zhou(Zhejiang Pharmaceutical University) ; Aijuan Yan(Zhejiang Pharmaceutical University) ; Yanru Zhu(Shenyang Pharmaceutical University) (pp.91-103)
Young Beom Kwak(Korea Racing Authority) ; Shaheed Ur Rehman(Department of Pharmacy, COMSATS) ; Hye Hyun Yoo(Hanyang University) (pp.104-109)
Jun Sang Yu(Hanyang University) ; Young Seok Ji(Hanyang University) ; So Young Jo(Hanyang University) ; Xiang-Lan Piao(Minzu University of China) ; Hye Hyun Yoo(Hanyang University) (pp.116-119)
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